Installing APK on your device is a fairly simple thing you just have to know the right steps to proceed. That’s why our team created this How To Install APK files on your Android devices. Before you proceed any further you need to do one thing, just open your device’s Settings and go to Security then enable Install unknown apps for Chrome or the browser you are using to download. After you are done enabling the option just follow the steps to Install APK on your device.
NOTE: The steps we mention below will come after you visit the Download Page of the app or game you want to download, so make sure you choose the app or game and go to the Download Page of that app or game.
1. Wait 10 Seconds to load the Download button.
2. After the download button appeare, Clikc on it to download.
3. Sometime this popup appeare, just click on the Download anyway.
4. Let the file download
5. After the file download just click on it
6. Now click on install
7. After the installation is done, Click on OPEN and enjoy.