World’s first 4nm Dimensity 9000 5G processor unveiled by MediaTek. Last week there was an important event for the entire IT industry: the first mobile processor, based on 4nm technology, was finally launched. The chip was named after Dimension 9000 5G and is currently the most powerful in the world.
Underneath the “hood” of the new processor are the four economical Cortex-A510, three main “performance horses” the Cortex-A710, and the more efficient Cortex-X2 (3.05 GHz). According to the company, in a Geekbench test, the result of a new chip was higher than that of a leading Android chip, the Dimension 9000 5G associated with Google Tensor in terms of performance intelligence was 16 percent.
According to rumors, the first smartphones with a new chip are expected to appear in the spring, but it is not yet clear which models plan to use the chip.